English Club
EFL and Friendship around the World
English Club
I am here to help make improving your child's English more fun and enjoyable!
You should know that I am a caring teacher who uses humor and laughter in class.Unlock their full potentials and have a jolly time!
- My Courses
What do they learn?
This is my current class offering for children and adults, ages 4+. All courses are customized for the student's interests as much as possible. All classes include (optional): pre-class instruction, post-class homework, and feedback to you or the parent. Each student receives an individual RazKids account linked to my teacher account. Lessons are interactive and prioritize student output. Currently, I will instruct through ClassIn or VooV. I use the following curriculum: Starlight, Wonderskills Reading, Reach Higher, and two independent curriculum providers.
How This Works!
A few simple steps!
Go to My Calendar. Choose your class day/time for the current month. Reserve each chosen lesson time with your student's name. Your 1st lesson is a free trial. 进入我的日历。选择你当月的上课日期/时间。用你的学生的名字保留每个选定的课程时间。
2Pay online
I bill at the end of each month for classes taken. An invoice is sent to your email address. You may pay either through WeChat Pay, AliPay, or credit card. PayPal is also accepted on this site. 我在每个月的月底对所上的课程进行结算。发票会发送到你的电子邮件地址。你可以通过微信支付、支付宝,或信用卡支付。本网站也接受PayPal。
3Prepare and Attend
I will send you log in information for your student's Raz Kids Plus account. Optional homework will be assigned through student account. We will meet for your lessons in ClassIn or KoalaGo! Information will be sent through WeChat or email. 我将向您发送您的学生的Raz Kids Plus账户的登录信息。可选的家庭作业将通过学生的账户分配。信息将通过微信发送。 上课是在ClassIn或Voov应用程序中进行。
- My Calendar
在 "我的日历 "上预订您的课程
Join My WeChat Parent Group!
I am forming an independent group chat for the parents of my current students. Please feel free to recruit for the group!
Some thoughts, tips, and tricks!
November 24, 2021November 10, 2021TESTIMONIALS
Manual 5-apple Parent Feedback RateStudent encouragement; Use of props; Error correction; Patient; TPR - body language; Pronunciation; Facial expressions; Scaffolding; Extension; Classroom environment; Student output; Comprehension checks; Conversational practice
Level 3, Unit 11
Perfect course! Perfect teacher! Perfect Michele! Every minute with her is a joy! Michele的课总是那么吸引人,那么活泼!评论米歇尔小姐的课时,只有一个词——最好! 【翻译结果由百度提供】Perfect course! Perfect teacher! Perfect Michele! Every minute with her is a joy! Michele's classes are always so attractive and lively! When commenting on Miss Michele's class, there is only one word -- best!
- Parent of 7 year-old Level 4 student
Level 4, Unit 2
老师性格开朗、善良,笑声爽朗,上她的课就像沐浴在阳光里,心情无比舒畅。她的教学能力十分出色,不仅认真教授课内知识,还能使用各种方法引导孩子练习口语,耐心纠正孩子对话中的发音和语法错误,是孩子的良师益友。 Translate in English-
The teacher is cheerful, kind-hearted, and has a good laugh. It's like bathing in the sunshine when taking her class, and her mood is very comfortable. Her teaching ability is excellent. She not only teaches knowledge in class, but also uses various methods to guide children to practice oral English, patiently corrects the pronunciation and grammar mistakes in children's dialogue. She is a good teacher and friend for children..
- Parent of 13 year-old Level 5 student
Level 5, Unit 5
孩子最爱的外教老师,认真有爱心. 最爱的老师,超级优秀超级耐心,学识丰富Translate in English 【翻译结果由百度提供】The child's favorite foreign teacher is serious and loving. My favorite teacher is excellent, patient, and knowledgeable
- Parent of 14 year-old Level 6 student
Level 5, Unit 3
优秀的Michele老师,很高兴有你陪伴。 Translate in English 【翻译结果由百度提供】Nice to have you with me, Miss Michele.
- Parent of 7 year-old Level 5 student
Level 3, Unit 3
我心目中Vipkid最好的老师,感恩遇见~ Translate in English 【翻译结果由百度提供】In my mind, VIPKid's best teacher. Thank you for meeting ~
- Parent of 7 year-old Level 3 student
Level 4, Unit 3
老师很棒!很好的老师 喜欢的老师,谢谢老师! Translate in English 【翻译结果由百度提供】The teacher is great! Very good teacher. Like the teacher, thank you, teacher
- Parent of 10 year-old Level 4 student
Level 1, Unit 8
很喜欢Michele老师,特别有耐心,笑容很美 Translate in English 【翻译结果由百度提供】I like Miss. Michele very much. She is very patient and has a beautiful smile
- Parent of 5 year-old Level 1 student
Level 6, Unit 1
特别喜欢. 特别喜欢的老师
Translate in English. Especially like it. A favorite teacher.
- Parent of 14 year-old Level 6 student
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